Saturday, September 26, 2009

day 29 - this is the final post ; ~~ ;

hello all~
or the two or three of you actually following.
this is it, the final post.
the end of my trip and the end of an adventure.

i went on a walk with my mom and my doggie, she doesn't hate her.
so that's good.

we went to the coffee tree for lunch- i did a lot of the waiting.
most of it.
even on customers.
and i wasn't working.

it was a mess there, menus not out. tables unbussed.
the only reason she let them work on weekends/after school is because they're related.
not fair i did BETTER
i got my second, and last, check.
1month and i made only 70-ish$ on check.
but i only worked like 2 hours 3ish times a week.
with tips i made a lot.
but i spent all that on my puppy~
hopefully i'll have better hours when i get home, i have coffee exp and waitressing exp so i will be more hire-able.

we went out to this little restaurant, it was lame, the food made my tummy upset and cost too much. then mom and i went to FAME.
it was amazing.
i adored it.
i am not talented like that, or driven.
Henry should go- and i should live with him in NYC

btw, i didn't get my piggy.
the place was closed when i went.
even they're open until 4 on sat, or they were.
not anymore so no piggy for me.

idk what to type.
it's over.
just done.
i feel like a new person.
but still the same.
i want a new life now,
the same life i've wanted, but i want it MORE now.
i just need to get the shit done that i need done.

it was suggested to me to make a new blog- since this is over and i wont post in here anymore.
obvi Ejote's blog is still going- but they wanted one of /me/
so it will be made.
keep an eye out.

1 comment:

  1. whart abKto zvolil túto vládu? Väčšina tohto ľudu.
    A napriek tomu sa táto vláda, ako aj predošlá správa k ľudu akokeby bol jej nepriateľom. A žiada od ľudu, aby uzákonil osobne svoj súhlas (a jeho podrobenie sa) tomuto nepriateľstvu. Vláda žiada obäte od ľudu. Nežiada obäte od bánk. Prečo?
    Vláda zdaňuje pracujúcich a penzistov, nezdaňuje cirkev. Prečo? Vláda presadzuje zníženie platov o 10 percent pri nízkych platoch a o 20-30 percent pri vysokých platoch. V tom istom čase pokračuje v plytvaní peniazmi pre «nevládne organizácie» a pre tisícky výborov, ktoré sú všadeprítomne (a spiace) a pre drahoplatených novinárov, posluhovateľov.
    Inými slovami, táto vláda a jej zamestnávateľ Stiglitz žiadajú obäte od ľudu aby ho potom obätovala bankám.
    Či v tejto krajine napokon socialistami sú podniky a banky, keďže si tak dobre rozumejú s vládοu?

    Útržky z článku gréckeho satirika S.,
    (V gréčtne to zneje oveľa jadrnejšie a tak nepokračujem v prekladaní.)

    out trip in Arabian countrys?
