Thursday, September 10, 2009

day 13 - my heart stopped in fear

this morning was the best morning i have had here so far.
i woke up, and went right out to my Ejote, she hadn't messed in her kennel.
i took her for a walk around the block, got a little lost, but found my way quickly.
i constantly stop and tell her to sit, she does, then i keep going. if she doesn't sit, i don't keep going, until she does.
she's so cute, she loves me.
i love her.

after that i had FOUR waffles for breakfast.
i don't think there is anything else as blissful as that.
it was delicious. we're out of waffles.
; ~~ ;
i will get more on saturday.

went to work, as per usual.
it was really busy when i got there, the ONE day i don't get there ten minutes early it's packed.
a birthday party.
and my grandma met up with a group of people to talk about politics or w/e
people had to sit at the bar it was so full~

my grandma said "you're mother would be so proud of you" because i carried out three plates at once, and made and ice mocha latte. and i bussed and was a good little worker bee.
i like work, there is always something to do.
but i didn't get lunch, w/e i wasn't hungry. those waffles are still in my belly, i swear~

when i got home i sat with Ejote for awhile, put the stuff on her face.
she keeps scratching her face, scratching the scabs off. it's really not good. but they itch because they're healing, so that's good.
when i met her her hair was shaved down to the bone, nearly bald. now it's getting a little scruffy! i am so happy, another month or so and she'll actually look like a pom.

her ears are disgusting, though. i can't stand them.
she is not a Papillon. not that they're ugly, or disgusting. just, she is not one.
and oml it just annoys me.
like her ears perk up and they are still flopped over, it annoys me so much.

i was going into her kennel, to take her for a walk after work. and she got out.
she ran out, without her leash on.
but oh my lamb, she made my heart melt after scaring me so bad.
she stopped, mid drive way, turned around and looked at me.
"are you coming?" i swear she's perfect.
i knelt down and said "come here" and she did.
even though she had to pee.
ohhhhh~ so happy

she barks whenever someone walks away from her, because she wants to be paid attention to.
but she should be napping, she's so little and i take her for long walks.
so she has to nap.

i broke a nail, i think today or yesterday.
and it bothered me at work a lot, it hurt so much.
so i decided to just rip it off.
[Carol, my boss, offered to take me with her on monday or tuesday to Mitchell to a nail salon so i can get a fill]
ugliest nail in america~
it's so thin and delicate, i hate it. it doesn't hurt anymore, though.
i have a nice bandaid on it now.

i'm going to Inglorious Bastards with my grandpa tonight.
he is coughing a lot, and it worries me.
but Grandma says he's fine.
i hope he is.

microwaved leftovers for dinner tonight~
so easy~

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