Thursday, September 17, 2009

day 20 - free cupcakes

so i found out this morning... i'm a lard ass.
that is, 7.5 lbs more than my scale at home reads. granted, my scale reads 4lbs lighter than a proper working scale[this does wonders for my self image issues] but who the hell told my body it was okay to gain 3lbs? i know i didn't.

i eat when i'm upset, or bored. and i have been upset and bored a lot here. and once i start eating, i don't stop. until everything that i was eating, the entire package, is gone. and i'm not very good at picking the right food to eat. breakfast foods are what i eat mostly. cereal, cereal bars, waffles, fiber bars, mmm delicious.
i need to stop with that.
this morning i had two bowls of cereal, finish off a box within one day of buying it.

i'm awful, really.
but once i reach that point i stop.

i stepped on the scale before i got in the shower, wanting to see "120" so i actually scared myself into dieting. and what did i see? 116.
hell yeah.
lost a pound and a half~
i hadn't... you knowed. that morning. so i'm assuming it was for that reason.
as well i'm on my... you know. so i do have a little water weight.

this may sound extreme. and it is. i like to set unrealistic goals for myself.
but i'd like to be 110 by the time i leave here.
and 108 by the time i get home. since i'll be on the road so long i wont have time to eat. i'll be to busy driving. so that'd be wonderful.

i lost 4 pounds in one day when i had food poisoning.
i know it sounds awful but i wouldn't mind having it again.
-weight issues-
did i scare you, mom?
i scare myself, too.

i am going to the vets tomorrow to make an appointment for Ejote, so she can get rabies shots, and w/e else the vet says i should get. it's a birthday present.

my grandma said things to me today that i thought was rude.
we do know each other, yes, but we don't have a real connection. not to me at least.
she basically told me i was a moron for dropping out, and that i have no chance at making a real life for myself without going to high school and college.
let me make one thing perfectly clear, i am not an average person.
by no means do i ever want to live by societies standards, i would not enjoy that life style.
i don't enjoy people, i don't enjoy sitting, i don't enjoy anything that has a right or wrong answer, etc.
except baking, my dog, my best friend, making art out of humans, etc.
and i will make my life whatever i want it to be however i choose.
and will go back to every highschool teacher that doubted me, and shove it in their face. and to everyone that supported me, free cupcakes.

my mother says she feels like a bad parent because i dropped out.
i feel like she's one of the only ones out there worth being a parent.
bad parents are the ones who lose their child, weather it be by drugs- death- or the children leave.
good parents are the ones who keep their kids happy- and still safe.
which is what she's done for me.
and she is the best parent i could wish for.

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