Friday, September 25, 2009

day 28 - UPDATED the last day alone

but i don't.
mom will be here soon and i'm too excited to do anything but jump around.
will update tomorrow with details on today~

here it is.
day 28 beginning to end.

as you may, or may not know, i wear circle lenses. bought from [please say you found the site through ME if you buy from her. i get store credit for all the people i send her way~] and she is having a contest right now, best sign made for her store with her product on wins a free pair of lenses. i want them. so i got all dolled up, i figured i had work from 11-2[ish] and a vet appointment at 3 so i wouldn't have time for the kennel. so~ i got all prettied up.
then i looked outside,
it was rainy and gross.
no way to get good lighting.
THEN i checked my phone.
i didn't have work.
yesterday was my last day of work.
and i didn't even know it.

so i went out to the kennel, all dolled up, and did nothing but hang out really. swept a little. but nothing much. they never tell me what to do, like i only get in the way.
not really, Ken was there so he was helping Steff in the dog room and the cat room is really a one person job.
so there wasn't much i /could/ do.
i said my goodbyes because some of the staff wont be there tomorrow.
very sad.
they love me.

thennnnn i went home, and gave Ejote a bath.
it was very fun.



then i took her to the vet,
i got there at like 2:30 and my appointment wasn't until three.
she did very well with her shots again,
they had to put a band-aid on her arm after they took blood.
and she didn't know what to do with her leg when the band-aid was on. it was so funny watching her sit there looking at it like "wtf is this shit?"
but anyway, i got out of there before i was supposed to even be there.
it was 2:55 when i got home.
so amazing in these small towns how appointments can be done before they start instead of the next appointment ending at the time the next one is supposed to end.

Grandpa and Grandma know about her being inside the house, now.
Grandpa came home as i was still drying her, he didn't mind at all.
he even asked me to bring her in AGAIN to get a pic of her in her cute sweater.
Grandma likes the doggie a little.

i waited and waited and waited.
bouncing around and looking at the roads to see if she was coming.
and then she got here!
my mom of course.
i was so excited- i ran and hugged her.
Grandma was making fun of me saying how i was so anxious for her to get here.

we had some cake and she opened her present, i also opened mine.
of course- something i didn't want.
it's still really cute though.
but it will just collect dust.
some day if i have grandchildren of my own i will give it to them.
it says something like- grandparents and grandchildren are what connect the past to the present or w/e
it's a cute saying. i'll have it on my desk always.

i have to pack.

i don't want to.
it will be miserable.
i hate packing.
mom can help me.
she's sleeping now, 13 hour drive today and a 13 hour drive on sunday~ how exciting for her.

ily mommy sleep good.

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